
MUN information

I manage several Facebook Groups.
I just want to introduce one of them.
this is Asia-Pacific Model United Nations Network.

when I find spare time, I collect and share information of MUN conference held in Asia-Pacific.
it is perfectly volunteer work.
but I strongly believe MUN activities can promote understanding of global agenda and provide the opportunity to think idea from other side if Organizing Committee set vision.
so I still keep my commitment on MUN although I am no longer student.

if you want to get some info on MUN in Asia-Pacific, you should join our network.

and I just share several MUN conference info below.

IITKMUN Kanpur, India
Date: October 21-24, 2010

TUMUN Patiala, India
Date: October 22-24, 2010

DUMUN Delhi, India
Date: October 22-24, 2010

Indonesia MUN Depok, Indonesia
Date: October 23-27, 2010

SydMUN Sydney, Australia
Date: December 3-5, 2010

AJMUN Tokyo, Japan
Date: December 26-29, 2010

BITSMUN Pilani, India
Date: February 11-14, 2011

MIMUN Moscow, Russia
Date: April 11-15, 2011



Could you stand, if your important person dies due to the lack of basic health service?
Could you stand, if your important person dies due to avoidable thing?

No, I could not!

But, there are over 1400 women and girls dies due to the pregnancy and childbirth.
Every day, 4,000 children die of diarrhea caused by dirty water.

if I lose my important person, I cannot stand.

International Society set Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) that shows global development goals that should be achieved by
2015, such as achieving universal access to primary education, halving the number who lives under 1.25$ per day, achieving the universal access to medicine, gender equality, global partnership and so on.

In MDGs, Poor Countries are demanded to put enough budget related with MDGs, and Rich Countries are demanded to show assistants to their effort.
Thanks to MDGs, more 30 million children got to school since 2000. but there are still over 72 million children out of school. although there is some outcome but the progress is too slow.

September of 2010, there will be United Nations Millennium Development Goals Summit.
the leaders from over 100 countries will join it and discuss the outcome of past and future plan for achieving MDGs by 2015.

forward achieving MDGs, Civil Society set STAND UP TAKE ACTION, global action for ending poverty between 17th to 19th. This global action is so unique.
you just stand up and take photo as evidence of your participation. then you send this photo and tell the number of participants in your action.
last year, we got over 170 million participants who want to end poverty.

No one can decide the loving place before birth.
People in rich country enjoy health and education service. in other hand, people in poor countries dies due to lack of these service.
if there is enough resource to improve these injustice, why don`t we do?

if you want to join this global action, please see following website.
or, just send your action to me during 17th - 19th.
I will upload your photo in our website.



at August, I went to speaking tour in Kansai that is west Japan.
I spoke something about Advocacy and the power we have for change.
I enjoyed talking with young people in these areas.

talking with these passionate people always encourages me to keep my commitment.
I also confirmed that human beings is the social creature, that develop their culture through meeting people and sharing idea.

by the way, I found some nice fan when I went to Kansai.
I like it.

Stereotype of CHARITY

there are much of stereotype in term of International Cooperation.

Is there lack of human resource in Poor Countries?
Young Japanese people tends to imagine the Japanese people's activities in poor countries when they listen to the term of International Cooperation.
But if you have the experience to talk with young people in Developing Countries, you can find there are enough human resource.

from The Report by Oxfam International and Water Aid, some donor institutes required to hire consultant from Rich Countries with higher salary, even though there are enough human resource in Developing Countries and these Salaries might be lower.

International Cooperation includes much money.
several actors gets benefit from these activities.
for the purpose of maximizing their benefit and justifying their activities, they uses media to increase the stereotype of International Cooperation, for example, Africa is always victim of Poverty and Conflict.

See the Reality(Structure) and think the solution.


Financial Gap

I also felt some financial gap in wedding party.
from several discussion, I felt their mind is totally upper class.
I cannot manage for it.


Silent Box and Full of Happiness but loneliness.

I went to friend's Birthday Party Saturday Night.
there were several old friends at the party.
I missed their faces.
but I felt something strange.

yeah, actually, the party was great.
the bride and groom seemed so happy.
it made me also happy.

during the party, I talked with several friends.
but I didn't know what I should talk.
their life-standard is totally difference with me now.
there is no longer shared lives??

I felt little loneliness.