these experiences tells that there are two type of event.
the one is the event for guest and society.
this type of event is generally based on the Vision, what they want to provide in event as opportunity.
and The Vision should be social value. if not, there is no meaning.
if their vision have social value, it is so easy to make good event.
they makes the event according to the way to maximize that the participants get what they want to provide.
according to vision, host side just pick up necessary contents.
they always think social impact of the event.
and the event is one of the tool to change the participants.
this event is tool to set new value in participants.
*it is also important to share good impact with all participants without unfair.
in the other hand, there are many event for host side.
some host people worked for themselves, not for guests, like inside event.
some NGOs, Youth Organizations and Universities did these event unfortunately.
we must not forget our responsibility to make the participants fun.
and we need to keep providing the value in each event.
yeah, I also know it is hard to practice according to vision.
although I understood the difficulty of preparation, too much logistics and financial challenging, we must not forget our responsibility. to make a relationship with society always need responsibility.
and we can make a value after we keep responsibility.
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