
Korean Tour 2010 Summer

I will stay at Seoul again!!
if you guys are in Seoul too, let`s meet up!!
in this time, I will take some Japanese students.
so I also would like to introduce these students to you.

[my schedule]
*I will stay at BEBOP Guest House near Hongik University Station.

6th August
14:40 arrival at Incheon International Airport
*I will borrow rental mobile phone in airport. if you want my contact, could you give me your contact via e-mail or Facebook direct message.
in this night, one more Japanese student will join late.
*I am free on PM and night! how about dinner? I can share what I am doing in my job at International NGO if you want.

7th August
it is almost free day. but I would like to Suwon.
if you are free, feel free to tell me!
we would like to communicate with people!!

8th August
it is also free day. but I would like to take Japanese student to 서대문 형무소 for learning our history. I have been there once. and I always went these historical place when I went to Asian Countries. I would like to share unknown fact with Japanese Students.

in this evening, one more Japanese Student will join late.
so I would like to organize small dinner. if you are interested in it, feel free to tell me.

9th August
we will join MUNOS SUMMIT.
but evening(after 19:00) will be free.

10th August
we will join MUNOS SUMMIT.
but evening(after 19:00) will be free.

11th August
we will join MUNOS SUMMIT.
there will be post-conference social event.

12th August
08:30 Departure from Gimpo airport.


Inhumanity of Chemical and Nuclear Weapons: The Ban on WMD in Perspective

it is my great pleasure to introduce such interesting event.
if you are free on 3rd August, you should join it!!
I wish I joined it!!

PRIME International Symposium 2010
Inhumanity of
Chemical and Nuclear Weapons:
The Ban on WMD in Perspective

On commemorating the Memorial Day the atomic bomb destroyed the city of
Hiroshima, victims of poison gas affected during Iran-Iraq war visit
Hiroshima and Tokyo. They call themselves "Hibakusha", which originally
means survivors of the atomic-bombing of Hiroshima. In Hiroshima, there are
also many victims suffering from poison gas. In the wartime, a research and
development of poison gas armaments took place at the former Army and
Scientific Research Institute in Tokyo, and great amounts were produced at
the plant on Okunoshima Island of Hiroshima Prefecture. Former workers at
the plant are still suffering the consequences of the consecutive exposure
to the gas. Hiroshima has been receiving a high reputation not only for
radiotherapy but also for treatment for detoxification.

International humanitarian law has been providing comprehensive frameworks
for preventing and addressing the terrible effects on civilian populations
of conventional weapons that continue to kill and maim long after conflicts
have ended. Since the forum takes place three days before the Memorial Day
of the world's first atomic bomb attack on the city of Hiroshima and twelve
days before the anniversary of the end of the Pacific War, it could be a
timely event and good opportunity for Japanese public to think how we as
human beings can stop or at least prevent unnecessary sufferings and to
understand the inhumanity of WMD.

The keynote speaker is an Iranian Doctor, Dr. Shahriar Khateri, who has been
treating patients affected by chemical/biological weapons used during
Iran-Iraq War. He also plays a leading role in the projects of the new
Tehran Peace Museum. The topic of his presentation is "Casualties of
Chemical Warfare in Iran: Response of Iranian Civil Society to the Tragedy."
Short comments of Prof. Mustapha Kamal Pasha of University of Aberdeen
follow the presentation.

The second part is a panel discussion among three speakers livened up by a
moderator. Main theme and individual topics can be found below. A Q&A
session is to follow.

Date & venue:
3 August 2010, from 13:45 to 17:45
Meiji Gakuin University, Tower2, room#2101

Participation Fee
Free of charge (prior reservation required; please see below to contact

English and Japanese *Simultaneous Interpretation is provided.

Organized by: International Peace Research Institute, Meiji Gakuin
University (PRIME)
Supported by: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)


Welcome address by H.E Dr. Seyyed Abbas ARAGHCHI, Embassy of the Islamic
Republic of Iran in Japan and Professor Haruki Onishi, President of MGU.

Keynote speech by Dr. Shahriar Khateri (Tehran Univ., Tehran Peace Museum) :
"Casualties of Chemical Warfare in Iran: Response of Iranian Civil Society
to the Tragedy."
Comments from Prof. Mustapha Kamal Pasha (Univ. of Aberdeen)

15:40 Coffee Break

Panel Discussion on "Ban on WMD in Perspective"
-Dr. Andres Kruesi (ICRC Delegate to Armed and Security Forces):
"Position of the ICRC on WMD and Nuclear and interpretation of its legality
based on IHL"
-Prof. Masako Ikegami-Andersson (Stockholm Univ.):"Perceptions of Nuclear
Destruction and Need for Disarmament Education"
- An Iranian "hibakusha":"Continuous Sufferings of the Victims and Support
from Iranian Civil Society"
Chair: Prof.Takao Takahara (PRIME, MGU)

Closing remarks by the Director of PRIME, Prof. Shigeki Takeo

International Peace Research Institute, Meiji Gakuin University (PRIME)
9th Floor, Main Building, 1-2-37 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8636
Tel: 03-5421-5652 fax:03-5421-5653
URL: http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/~prime/
E-mail: prime@prime.meijigakuin.ac.jp


Social working and days

I enjoyed last week totally. In my job, my boss came back from G8 Summit in Canada. I am preparing for several events related with our organization and coalition activities. It was really busy days. Moreover, I also must have worked for earth garden, outdoor festival for fair trade and eco, which held in last weekend. But I realized I love to work in social a tivities, especially human communication based work.
And I went music live that Randy whom met in Dalynna's birthday, Friday. Dalynna invited me this special opportunity. But I could not who Randy was first when I entered live house. On the stage, there were three guys playing music. Guiter-vocal and basist seemed Japanese. Drumer seemed actually white guy but his hair looked like long!! I remembered Randy's hair was short. Ummm, I asked Dalynna "Drumer is Randy? But I think his hair was short, right. Dalynna said he might made up totally. Ohhhh. During discssion with Dalynna, we thought Randy on the live was sooooo sexy. I think especially his mascle in arm was so cool. But we met him after his live. Unfortunately or fortunately, he was back to as he had been. Anyway, I just said all you should see his performance. His beat, music and so what he all make must move you. After the live, I went rolling sishi restaurant with Aya-San and Dalynna. I heard Aya-San's academic background and Dalynna's preference on sushi. (by the way, Aya-san's fashion was more cute and elegant that day.) thanks Dalynna for inviting me. Sturday, I worked in earth garden from 8am to 6pm. I met and talked with many people. I really like these kinds of activities.

After work, I went to Paris festival memorial concert in NHK hall with my family. I dropped the concert and went to farewell party for Tetsuro and Eriko, held in Shibuya. they will study abroad. the member of Komaba branch organized this party. I actually moved because they were fresh students when I was last grade student. Time passed and they made history. Now they had great friendship. Yeah, they had value. And it was my great pleasure to take part in it although my involvement was so small. I thought this achievement was one of the good thing that I did not commit suicide. I hope both Tetsuro and Elly would find their value in their new challenge. And I strongly believe they can do it. Then I was back to my family.  

Yeah, i enjoyed private time except one thing. About love. Now my situation is not good. It is hard to explain. Ummmm, I just wanna do what I can do for her happiness.