
ESD Forum(11-16 Aug in Japan)

Hi there, this is announcement on ESD Forum held in Japan between 11th -16th August.

Newsletter 13/2011

Main Topic

ESD Forum and International Youth Day 2011 in Japan: 11-16 August, United Nations University and
National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo.
Please share with your friends in Japan.
Find the latest information and how to join: www.iuventum.org/programs/ef2011.html

+++ NEWS +++
29/07 | Overseas participants coming from countries such as China, Columbia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Africa. Final Deadline through Organizations & for "Option 3": 7 August.
24/07 | Deadline for "Basic option" application to
be 31 July


Days from Past to future as human

In Younger days, I felt loneliness everyday.
But it is just from inside of my mind.
I did not open my heart to others so I felt loneliness.
I actually suffered from showing the REAL me.
in those days, I felt loneliness and lost the meaning of life.
(Sometime, I tried to commit suicide...But I could not fortunately)

Since then, I had been looking for the answer of life.

when I entered the university, I attended Model UN Club.
Model UN gave me the various things.
especially, it promotes to open my heart.
in MUN, I got to know the issue of CHAILD SOLDIERS.

I got huge shock.
only 9 age girl and boy was kidnapped and forced to kill.
And they were took away the time for school.
then, they lost the way to live without using AK-47.
(it is hard to live on without literacy.)

I got huge shock.
when I was in Junior High School, my life is enough.
there are much of safety.
But I tried to commit suicide... I felt shame and thought what I can do for CHANGE such unfair world.

then, I started to spread the fact of world.

I thought the answer of life is to be made by individual value.
My Value in life is to increase people's smile as much as I can.
So I decided to commit social issue as my lifework.



Another Video I checked.

I'll Be There For You (lip dub by CMM Class of P03 2007)

Suffolk University, Boston LipDub

LIP DUB UPF "Wake me up before you go-go" (Barcelona, 2010)

LIPDUB "Sick of Love" en Camping La Marina


Train - Hey, Soul Sister - LIPDUB UVic University (Official)

LipDub in Singapore

Barbie Girl - AQUA (impromtu lip dub by CMM Juniors 2007)

I watched several movie of lipdube by CMM.
they seemed fun !!
I like them.

Can Lipdub change the world?

LipDub EMLYON 2009


in these days, I checked several movie of LipDub.
beyond the borders, many people joins these activities.
I would like to integrate Social Message in LipDub.

when we make the plan to send message to public, we need to keep
and Passionate.

like FlashMob, LipDub might have the potential to collect people's power.
unlike FlashMob, LipDub can be held easily.