
Oxfam Fun Fun Performance

I found quite interesting performance of Oxfam International.

Credit:Oxfam International

yeah, Wold Leaders declared that we would promote to take action for better world as the common goal in Millennium Summit, 2000.
United Nations created Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) according to Millennium Declaration that adopted by World Leaders in Millennium Summit.
MDGs set several targets such as "Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than $1 a day", "Development assistance will have to increase substantially to double aid to Africa by 2010" and so on. and the deadline to all of them is by 2015.
even although some civil society organizations criticized these targets of MDGs were not enough, the progress of MDGs is out of track. so we need to catch up for implementation of MDGs by 2015.

was it overestimate of global capacity?
it is because the lack of political will!

for example, Poor Countries have received just $2 trillion in aid over the 49 years. in the other hand, over 2008, $18 trillion has been found globally to bail out banks and financial institutions.
$2 trillion/49 years vs $18 trillion/ 1 year!
yeah, it is 10 times!

there is not lack of resources or capacities. we just need political will.

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