
Inaba-san (Poverty and Africa)

Today, I went to the workshop organized by Tsuda Collage in Sendagaya Campus.
the lecturer was Inaba-san who is executive director of GCAP-Japan.

during the lecture, he showed two questions.
"what is the image of Poverty" and "what do you think about Africa and Poverty".

I cannot write down all contents.
but I really really moved!!

our sights to Poverty and Africa was controlled by European Culture.
even though I joined MUN and I thought I knew the context of Africa, but it was not enough.
I recommend all you guy who wants to work in international cooperation or africa, to meet Inaba-san.
life is to know.

we need to know the importance to meet people and share voices.
I always respect other's talking.
but this is the way to live.
I did and I will.

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