

I got the message on Green Leaders Forum.
if you are interested in it, just read below.

GreenLeaders.JP, the British Council and eQualC Sustainability Communications Present..

The brand new Green Leaders community website: GREENLEADERS.JP

+ Do not miss the first Green Leaders Forum for 2011!!


The Green Leaders Forum NextGen: Workshops

Monday January 17, 2011 @ British Council, Iidabashi, from 7pm to 9pm (doors open at 6:30pm)

- One-time FREE registration required on GreenLeaders.JP
- Be sure to click "Will Attend" in the center column


The Green Leaders Forum NextGen: Workshops

  • DATE Monday January 17, 2011
  • TIME From 7pm to 9pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
  • ADMISSION FREE! Includes wine, soft drinks and snacks
  • LOCATION British Council, Iidabashi Station
  • MAP http://www.britishcouncil.org/japan-about-us-tokyo-centre-contact-details.htm
    The Green Leaders Forum NextGen: Workshops
    Highly recommended for anyone hoping to speak (or introduce a speaker) at a Green Leaders Forum in 2011. We will discuss:
    (1) The new GreenLeaders.JP website
    (2) GreenLeaders.JP Groups > Calling anyone interested in promoting a particular Green Business topic! (eg Water, Food, Climate Change, Green Money/Design/Buildings, etc.)
    (3) Green Leaders Forum events in 2011 (potential topics, speakers, related events, etc.)
  • REGISTER Due to the growing popularity of this event, places will be limited to 100 attendees. We ask everyone to please register on GreenLeaders.JP
  • ATTENDEES 100 Green Leaders! Leading thinkers and practitioners from business, NGOs and government, as well as entrepreneurs, media, students, and those with a general interest in the fields of environmentally friendly and socially responsible green business, products and services, cleantech, innovation, and social entrepreneurship
  • NOTE Photos and/or video of this event may be uploaded to Facebook, YouTube or other websites live or post event. Please advise at the door if you wish to be excluded. We may ask for business cards for door prizes and to enhance the green leaders network but this is not compulsory. eQualC and/or British Council may contact you with information regarding green business in Japan but you may opt out of all communications at any time.
About the Tokyo Green Leaders Forum (GLF)
The Green Leaders Forum @ British Council is a free monthly learning and networking event for leading thinkers and practitioners from business, NGOs and government, as well as entrepreneurs, media, students, and those with a general interest in the fields of sustainability, cleantech, the environment and society, energy and climate change, corporate social responsibility (CSR), socially responsible investment (SRI), and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG).
About the British Council
The UK's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. The British Council was established in the UK in 1934 and has been in Japan since 1953. It operates in over 100 countries worldwide and welcomes over 8.5 million visitors every year.
British Council, 1-2 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-0825
T +81 (0)3 3235 8031 / F +81 (0)3 3235 8040
Iidabashi Station, 6 mins (Sobu, Yurakucho, Namboku, Tozai and Oedo lines)
About eQualC Sustainability Communications

A Tokyo-based company specializing in corporate communications in the fields of sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), socially responsible investment (SRI), environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and investor relations (IR). Services include event management and promotion, public relations and marketing, consulting, translation, editing, proofreading, and training.

eQualC LLC
1-10-4-505 Takada, Toshima, Tokyo 171-0033, Japan


Climate Justice

Several days ago, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 16th Conference of Party was ended.
From all over the world, Many Youth gathered and sent the voice of youth.
I am really proud of their action.

COP16: The End of Negotiations - Youth Delegations Ejected The End of Negotiations - Youth Delegations Ejected from COP16


About the situation of people suffering climate change, you can get to know in following video that Oxfam made.

Listen Again: Climate change tribunals

if you want to take action, let`s work together.
if you stay in Japan, you should check the website of Oxfam Japan.
Japanese http://oxfam.jp/2010/11/change_initiative_2011.html
English http://oxfam.jp/en/

if you stay at other countries, you should check the website of Oxfam International and Oxfam International Youth Partnership.
Oxfam International www.oxfam.org/
OIYP http://oiyp.oxfam.org.au/


Wakai Politics in Yokohama on 4th Dec!!

Hi there, Oxfam Japan, Oxfam Youth Group and Oxfam Japan International Volunteer Group will attend Wakai Politics, which is great event on this saturday.

this event is organized by Temple University.

and there will be 9 Organizations and show their activities on Youth.

from Oxfam Japan, we would like show our general activities, Youth Program and IVG.

there might be large number of International People, people who is interested in social issue, and Young Activists.

if you have time, let`s come and join it~!!

there are the opportunity to share your idea and make new networking.

Wakai Politics

Date: Saturday, December 4, 2010

Time: 5:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.

Venue: Nitehi Works (5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)Jack and Betty (8:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.)

Admission: General - ¥500TUJ Student - Free (with TUJ ID)

Organizers:Kyle Cleveland (Temple University, Japan Campus), David Slater (Sophia University),Sarajean Rossitto (Temple University, Japan Campus)


Registration 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

NGOs / NPOs Workshop Discussions 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Networking & Performances 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Pecha Kucha 8:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.


ACE (Action Against Child Exploitation)

Asia Pacific Youth Network

Free the Children

Oxfam Japan

Peace Boat

Shure University

UNICEF Japan Committee

Urban Village Project (Temple University, Japan Campus)

Youth Development & Peace Japan Network

you can get more info in following website.




I got message about the issue related with G20. I would like to share it.



Seoul 07 November 2010 ? As Korea prepares to roll out the red carpet for Barack Obama, Nicholas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel and other G20 leaders for the first-ever Group of Twenty meeting held outside North America or Great Britain, the Korean government has slammed the door in the face of anti-poverty campaigners travelling to Seoul to lobby for pro-poor development policies.

At least six activists from the Philippines were detained and then turned back by immigration officials at Seoul Incheon Airport over the weekend. They include Paul Quintos of think tank IBON Int'l, Maria Lorena Macabuag (Migrant Forum Asia), Josua Mata (Alliance of Progressive Labor), Joseph Purugganan (Focus on the Global South), artist Jess Santiag and Rogelio Soluta (May First Labour Movement).

The decision by the Korean government to blacklist and deport civil society activists, who have travelled to Seoul to peacefully campaign for a better world, is completely outrageous,” says Anselmo Lee of GCAP Korea. “Korean President Lee Myung-Bak has placed international development on the G20 agenda, yet he prohibits representatives of development NGOs (non-governmental organisations) from entering the country.”

Just three weeks ago, it was a very different story. In mid-October, Korea hosted the G20 Civil Dialogue, a question-and-answer session attended by negotiators from most of the G20 countries and civil society delegates from across the globe. One of the men turned away on Saturday ? Paul Quintos ? was a guest of the Korean government, which flew him in for that meeting.

Mr. Quintos' organisation, IBON Int'l, frequently participates in international forum to discuss development aid, including another planned visit to Korea next year as an official participant in the 4th OECD-DAC High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness.

We are deeply concerned by the news that Korea's security agencies have prepared a blacklist of civil society campaigners,” says GCAP Global Council representative Michael Switow. “International media covering the G20 have a right to hear critical analysis and opposing views. This can not happen if the Korean government slams the door in the face of international visitors.

Other campaigners -from environmental, peasants, women's and worker organisations ? including Indonesians Henry Saragh and Bernadinus Steni, Nepali Umesh Upadhayaya and Pakistani Khaliq Bushra ? were denied visas, without grounds, to travel to Korea during this period.

Photo:? Image of Korean security deporting an anti-poverty campaigner from the Philippines.? (Photo Credit:? Bobby Diciembre)

About GCAP: The Global Call to Action Against Poverty challenges the structures and institutions that perpetuate poverty. More information at www.whiteband.org.


소녀시대 VS Wonder Girls

as you may know, my flat is no TV.
so it was really surprising for me to hear 소녀시대, girls generation in Korean Character, was hit on Japan.
in my memory, Korean Pop Star is Super kidd and Wonder Girls.
oh 소녀시대...

so I looked forward to listening to their music before that.
When I saw their faces, I understood they are pretty and cute.
but this is not what I expect for Korean Pop Star.

in Chinese and Japanese Celebrities, there are many baby faces.
I think people in both countries likes baby faces. so almost women like to be called "Cute".
on the other hand, I think Korean Celebrities is not Cute but beautiful.
their beauty came from inside of person.
ummm... but 소녀시대 is music star.
so I still have some expectation for them.

as you know, I really like Super Kidd, Korean Rock Band.
Korean Musicians have quite good voice and sense of music.
so this was the reason that I had high expectation to 소녀시대.

but... their voice is not more sexy than Wonder Girls.
their music looks like American Music like Janet Jackson and they were not better than Janet.
and more, their dance looks like Perfume, Japanese techno Girls Star.
FYI:love me naturally sung by Perfume

ummm, where is Wonder Girls?


Model United Nations News!

Hi there,

although I am little tired of my job(I am working at International NGO), but I want to share MUN info.
because I believe the potential of MUN to promote global understandings.
today's info from Beijing, Hong Kong and Manipal.
(I joined AIMUN 2009. it was sooo amazing. I love to join again.)

MUN Summit Manipal 2010
Place:Manipal, India
Date:October 22-24, 2010

the Chinese University of Hong Kong MUN Conference
Place:Hong-Kong, PR China
Date:January 4-7, 2011

Asian International MUN
Place:Beijing, PR China
Date:March 24-27, 2011


MUN information

I manage several Facebook Groups.
I just want to introduce one of them.
this is Asia-Pacific Model United Nations Network.

when I find spare time, I collect and share information of MUN conference held in Asia-Pacific.
it is perfectly volunteer work.
but I strongly believe MUN activities can promote understanding of global agenda and provide the opportunity to think idea from other side if Organizing Committee set vision.
so I still keep my commitment on MUN although I am no longer student.

if you want to get some info on MUN in Asia-Pacific, you should join our network.

and I just share several MUN conference info below.

IITKMUN Kanpur, India
Date: October 21-24, 2010

TUMUN Patiala, India
Date: October 22-24, 2010

DUMUN Delhi, India
Date: October 22-24, 2010

Indonesia MUN Depok, Indonesia
Date: October 23-27, 2010

SydMUN Sydney, Australia
Date: December 3-5, 2010

AJMUN Tokyo, Japan
Date: December 26-29, 2010

BITSMUN Pilani, India
Date: February 11-14, 2011

MIMUN Moscow, Russia
Date: April 11-15, 2011



Could you stand, if your important person dies due to the lack of basic health service?
Could you stand, if your important person dies due to avoidable thing?

No, I could not!

But, there are over 1400 women and girls dies due to the pregnancy and childbirth.
Every day, 4,000 children die of diarrhea caused by dirty water.

if I lose my important person, I cannot stand.

International Society set Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) that shows global development goals that should be achieved by
2015, such as achieving universal access to primary education, halving the number who lives under 1.25$ per day, achieving the universal access to medicine, gender equality, global partnership and so on.

In MDGs, Poor Countries are demanded to put enough budget related with MDGs, and Rich Countries are demanded to show assistants to their effort.
Thanks to MDGs, more 30 million children got to school since 2000. but there are still over 72 million children out of school. although there is some outcome but the progress is too slow.

September of 2010, there will be United Nations Millennium Development Goals Summit.
the leaders from over 100 countries will join it and discuss the outcome of past and future plan for achieving MDGs by 2015.

forward achieving MDGs, Civil Society set STAND UP TAKE ACTION, global action for ending poverty between 17th to 19th. This global action is so unique.
you just stand up and take photo as evidence of your participation. then you send this photo and tell the number of participants in your action.
last year, we got over 170 million participants who want to end poverty.

No one can decide the loving place before birth.
People in rich country enjoy health and education service. in other hand, people in poor countries dies due to lack of these service.
if there is enough resource to improve these injustice, why don`t we do?

if you want to join this global action, please see following website.
or, just send your action to me during 17th - 19th.
I will upload your photo in our website.



at August, I went to speaking tour in Kansai that is west Japan.
I spoke something about Advocacy and the power we have for change.
I enjoyed talking with young people in these areas.

talking with these passionate people always encourages me to keep my commitment.
I also confirmed that human beings is the social creature, that develop their culture through meeting people and sharing idea.

by the way, I found some nice fan when I went to Kansai.
I like it.

Stereotype of CHARITY

there are much of stereotype in term of International Cooperation.

Is there lack of human resource in Poor Countries?
Young Japanese people tends to imagine the Japanese people's activities in poor countries when they listen to the term of International Cooperation.
But if you have the experience to talk with young people in Developing Countries, you can find there are enough human resource.

from The Report by Oxfam International and Water Aid, some donor institutes required to hire consultant from Rich Countries with higher salary, even though there are enough human resource in Developing Countries and these Salaries might be lower.

International Cooperation includes much money.
several actors gets benefit from these activities.
for the purpose of maximizing their benefit and justifying their activities, they uses media to increase the stereotype of International Cooperation, for example, Africa is always victim of Poverty and Conflict.

See the Reality(Structure) and think the solution.


Financial Gap

I also felt some financial gap in wedding party.
from several discussion, I felt their mind is totally upper class.
I cannot manage for it.


Silent Box and Full of Happiness but loneliness.

I went to friend's Birthday Party Saturday Night.
there were several old friends at the party.
I missed their faces.
but I felt something strange.

yeah, actually, the party was great.
the bride and groom seemed so happy.
it made me also happy.

during the party, I talked with several friends.
but I didn't know what I should talk.
their life-standard is totally difference with me now.
there is no longer shared lives??

I felt little loneliness.


Korean Tour 2010 Summer

I will stay at Seoul again!!
if you guys are in Seoul too, let`s meet up!!
in this time, I will take some Japanese students.
so I also would like to introduce these students to you.

[my schedule]
*I will stay at BEBOP Guest House near Hongik University Station.

6th August
14:40 arrival at Incheon International Airport
*I will borrow rental mobile phone in airport. if you want my contact, could you give me your contact via e-mail or Facebook direct message.
in this night, one more Japanese student will join late.
*I am free on PM and night! how about dinner? I can share what I am doing in my job at International NGO if you want.

7th August
it is almost free day. but I would like to Suwon.
if you are free, feel free to tell me!
we would like to communicate with people!!

8th August
it is also free day. but I would like to take Japanese student to 서대문 형무소 for learning our history. I have been there once. and I always went these historical place when I went to Asian Countries. I would like to share unknown fact with Japanese Students.

in this evening, one more Japanese Student will join late.
so I would like to organize small dinner. if you are interested in it, feel free to tell me.

9th August
we will join MUNOS SUMMIT.
but evening(after 19:00) will be free.

10th August
we will join MUNOS SUMMIT.
but evening(after 19:00) will be free.

11th August
we will join MUNOS SUMMIT.
there will be post-conference social event.

12th August
08:30 Departure from Gimpo airport.


Inhumanity of Chemical and Nuclear Weapons: The Ban on WMD in Perspective

it is my great pleasure to introduce such interesting event.
if you are free on 3rd August, you should join it!!
I wish I joined it!!

PRIME International Symposium 2010
Inhumanity of
Chemical and Nuclear Weapons:
The Ban on WMD in Perspective

On commemorating the Memorial Day the atomic bomb destroyed the city of
Hiroshima, victims of poison gas affected during Iran-Iraq war visit
Hiroshima and Tokyo. They call themselves "Hibakusha", which originally
means survivors of the atomic-bombing of Hiroshima. In Hiroshima, there are
also many victims suffering from poison gas. In the wartime, a research and
development of poison gas armaments took place at the former Army and
Scientific Research Institute in Tokyo, and great amounts were produced at
the plant on Okunoshima Island of Hiroshima Prefecture. Former workers at
the plant are still suffering the consequences of the consecutive exposure
to the gas. Hiroshima has been receiving a high reputation not only for
radiotherapy but also for treatment for detoxification.

International humanitarian law has been providing comprehensive frameworks
for preventing and addressing the terrible effects on civilian populations
of conventional weapons that continue to kill and maim long after conflicts
have ended. Since the forum takes place three days before the Memorial Day
of the world's first atomic bomb attack on the city of Hiroshima and twelve
days before the anniversary of the end of the Pacific War, it could be a
timely event and good opportunity for Japanese public to think how we as
human beings can stop or at least prevent unnecessary sufferings and to
understand the inhumanity of WMD.

The keynote speaker is an Iranian Doctor, Dr. Shahriar Khateri, who has been
treating patients affected by chemical/biological weapons used during
Iran-Iraq War. He also plays a leading role in the projects of the new
Tehran Peace Museum. The topic of his presentation is "Casualties of
Chemical Warfare in Iran: Response of Iranian Civil Society to the Tragedy."
Short comments of Prof. Mustapha Kamal Pasha of University of Aberdeen
follow the presentation.

The second part is a panel discussion among three speakers livened up by a
moderator. Main theme and individual topics can be found below. A Q&A
session is to follow.

Date & venue:
3 August 2010, from 13:45 to 17:45
Meiji Gakuin University, Tower2, room#2101

Participation Fee
Free of charge (prior reservation required; please see below to contact

English and Japanese *Simultaneous Interpretation is provided.

Organized by: International Peace Research Institute, Meiji Gakuin
University (PRIME)
Supported by: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)


Welcome address by H.E Dr. Seyyed Abbas ARAGHCHI, Embassy of the Islamic
Republic of Iran in Japan and Professor Haruki Onishi, President of MGU.

Keynote speech by Dr. Shahriar Khateri (Tehran Univ., Tehran Peace Museum) :
"Casualties of Chemical Warfare in Iran: Response of Iranian Civil Society
to the Tragedy."
Comments from Prof. Mustapha Kamal Pasha (Univ. of Aberdeen)

15:40 Coffee Break

Panel Discussion on "Ban on WMD in Perspective"
-Dr. Andres Kruesi (ICRC Delegate to Armed and Security Forces):
"Position of the ICRC on WMD and Nuclear and interpretation of its legality
based on IHL"
-Prof. Masako Ikegami-Andersson (Stockholm Univ.):"Perceptions of Nuclear
Destruction and Need for Disarmament Education"
- An Iranian "hibakusha":"Continuous Sufferings of the Victims and Support
from Iranian Civil Society"
Chair: Prof.Takao Takahara (PRIME, MGU)

Closing remarks by the Director of PRIME, Prof. Shigeki Takeo

International Peace Research Institute, Meiji Gakuin University (PRIME)
9th Floor, Main Building, 1-2-37 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8636
Tel: 03-5421-5652 fax:03-5421-5653
URL: http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/~prime/
E-mail: prime@prime.meijigakuin.ac.jp


Social working and days

I enjoyed last week totally. In my job, my boss came back from G8 Summit in Canada. I am preparing for several events related with our organization and coalition activities. It was really busy days. Moreover, I also must have worked for earth garden, outdoor festival for fair trade and eco, which held in last weekend. But I realized I love to work in social a tivities, especially human communication based work.
And I went music live that Randy whom met in Dalynna's birthday, Friday. Dalynna invited me this special opportunity. But I could not who Randy was first when I entered live house. On the stage, there were three guys playing music. Guiter-vocal and basist seemed Japanese. Drumer seemed actually white guy but his hair looked like long!! I remembered Randy's hair was short. Ummm, I asked Dalynna "Drumer is Randy? But I think his hair was short, right. Dalynna said he might made up totally. Ohhhh. During discssion with Dalynna, we thought Randy on the live was sooooo sexy. I think especially his mascle in arm was so cool. But we met him after his live. Unfortunately or fortunately, he was back to as he had been. Anyway, I just said all you should see his performance. His beat, music and so what he all make must move you. After the live, I went rolling sishi restaurant with Aya-San and Dalynna. I heard Aya-San's academic background and Dalynna's preference on sushi. (by the way, Aya-san's fashion was more cute and elegant that day.) thanks Dalynna for inviting me. Sturday, I worked in earth garden from 8am to 6pm. I met and talked with many people. I really like these kinds of activities.

After work, I went to Paris festival memorial concert in NHK hall with my family. I dropped the concert and went to farewell party for Tetsuro and Eriko, held in Shibuya. they will study abroad. the member of Komaba branch organized this party. I actually moved because they were fresh students when I was last grade student. Time passed and they made history. Now they had great friendship. Yeah, they had value. And it was my great pleasure to take part in it although my involvement was so small. I thought this achievement was one of the good thing that I did not commit suicide. I hope both Tetsuro and Elly would find their value in their new challenge. And I strongly believe they can do it. Then I was back to my family.  

Yeah, i enjoyed private time except one thing. About love. Now my situation is not good. It is hard to explain. Ummmm, I just wanna do what I can do for her happiness.


The Life and matter

this is the letter to my friends.
I just share it with you in this blog.

Dear Friends,

the reason I joined this activities is little long story.
it takes back to around 10 years ago.
when I was in secondary school, I tried to commit suicide unfortunately.
in that time, I always felt loneliness and could not find the value of life.
fortunately, I could not stop my life.
but then, I started to think the answer of my life."why am I living and where will I go after dearth?"

6 years later, I entered university.
And I joined Model United Nations Club which is club to discuss global issue.
at Summer Semester, we discussed the issue on the right of Children.
during the preparation for discussion, I studied child Soldiers.
the story of these children were quite terrible.
one 6 years old kid in Sierra Leone was kidnaped from village.
when he was kidnapped, he was forced to cut his mothers hand by a axe.
the armed group made him to do for the reason that they wanted to delete the place he can return.
after kidnapped, he got training to be soldier.
there is no choices without obeying them.
some time, he was forced to eat internal organs of friends who tried to run away but could not do.
this also made him to stay at camp.
12 years later, he became soldier who committed homicide and rape.
and he was no longer "Child" Soldier because he became 18 years old.

when the war ended, he could not understand what he should do in peace world.
he had no opportunity to study because the conflict took his time to study away.
he could not integrate the society. he need special mental care.
but UN and government could not take care due to limited finance.
then, he automatically moved to neighbor countries to join the armed group like the one that had kidnapped him.
people did not regard him as victim, but killer.

when I read this story and found 300 thousands child soldier, I really shocked the fact.
and compared with their stories, my childhood was totally peace even though I tried to commit suicide. I looked back my feeling to have tried to commit suicide. there was just lack of communication and I felt little shame.
then, I though I would like to change the situation. but I was just student in that time.
I thought what I could do. I found what I could do was to share the fact with students as much as I could. fortunately, I was president of Students Organization which had over 1000 people. I started to share.
but we needed to know the issue before sharing someone. so I went to several seminar on various issues. during seminars, I found terrible fact of other issues and all issues linked each other. in same time, I got good networks with people who work in UN, NGO, the Ministry of Foreign Affair, Media and others during seminars.

these human networks gave me the opportunity to join social activities. for example, there was G8 Summit in Japan, 2008. I, as one of core members, organized World Youth Forum for G8 Summit. I was really active in that time.
Oxfam Japan had petition campaign in same time. they asked me to cooperate with them on spreading. I cooperated with them and got over 600 petitions.
then, they asked me to join G8 Campaign during G8 Summit as temporary member.
yeah, I just went there and cooperated with them, although I was student.

these experience made me the way of living.
I found I would like to make smile of others as much as I can. I would like to make the world that everyone can enjoy.
I also found this is what I would do in my life and it means making the value.

fortunately, these experience and networks worked good. several NGOs gave me job offers when I finished my study in University.
so now, I am working at Oxfam.

this is my story.
sorry it is little long one, although I passed several parts.
now I strongly believe the world can be changed if we hope.
Mahatoma Gandhi said "Be the change you wish too see in the world".
so I am keep moving as much as I can.



Could you dance with me in Waka Waka?

Have you watched Waka Waka dance?
this song is official song of World Cup 2010.

and Global Campaign for Education set "1 GOAL Campaign" in same time.
Shakira also supports this campaign.

this campaign promotes all people who are interested in world cup and hope all children go to school, to make Waka Waka Video and upload it.

although it may be little late, I would like to make my Waka Waka Video and upload it.

I also would like to dance with you guys all over the world.
my idea is so simple.
Everyone dances at Waka Waka Main Phrase and record it.
then please send it to me.
I would like to make our combined Waka Waka Video!!

if you think this idea is good and want to join it, feel free to tell me!!
let's make original dance video with me.

Youth and hope

today, I went to Waseda University for supporting the activity of Oxfam Japan International Volunteer Group as one of volunteers.
There was second combined English Workahop between IVG and AIESEC.
And I had another purpose today. I wanted to introduce Su Kyong to AIESECers. He was interested in the internship in AIESEC when I shared its information.

I arrived at Waseda Station and met Su Kyong there. When we met in front of bookstore, I found Woo walking. He was the instructer of today's workshop.

We caught woo and then we went together to the campus.

When we reached the room of workshop, AIESECers had already been working as preparation.
They worked hard and I was so glad to see that as one of alumni of AIESEC.

Beofore workshop, I talked with several AIESECers as well as other participants.
They seemed so energetic and passionate. And of cource, they seemed to enjoy their days.

During workshop, we, not only participants but also organiging people, can develop our leadership, communication, logical, and public speaking skill.

It is so good thing. I would like to support these youth activities.
It is also youth empowerment. I also think these activities promotes better future. Yeah, it makes sense. thanks IVG Guys and AIESECers. Good job.


Emotional animal

there is
the person whom I really want to talk with,
the person whom I really stay with,
and the person whom I want to share my life.

as human beings, I enjoy such emotion.
it also makes our lives more fun or sad.

anyway, life is beautiful.


The game of last night

I went to Korean Culture Center last night.
my Korean Friend asked me to join watching game. so I just joined it.

in the center, there were many people in red uniform.
I also put on Korean Uniform.
we enjoyed the match.

I would like to share what I felt during this event.

▶Korean National Team
I like present korean national Football team.
they keep running. Attackers like Ji Sung, keep pressure. side backers joins attacking effectively, especially Duri showed important role.
they showed total football.
so I like it.

they are not perfect team although there are no perfect thing in this world.
last night, korean team got 2 goal and won.
but some time, they miss marking Greece attackers.
as I said, korean attackers showed great performance, in not only attacking but also pressing.
their pressure were effective to prevent Greece's Attack.
however, without these support from Attackers, korean defense may be not good quality(I think).

although I mentioned some weak point I am thinking, I like present korean Football. they keep running and show guts.
their performance is energetic.

I don't have the mind to support national team which I belong as nationality, because I don't know any player in our national team.
in the other hand, I always support my school team because all these players are my friends.
compared with high school sports, I don't have the reason to support national team.

so I just want to support who makes me excited.

▶only one disappoint thing
last night, I expected to meet person I really want to talk to.
but she is not there.
ummm, I expect next time.

Japanese Drunk Culture

in Japan, you can use drinking with people as opportunity to communication. we call it "Nomi-nication"("Nomi" means drinking and "minication" stands for "Communication".) so we use drinking together as business meeting or other social workings.

but you can also see many drunkers in public area. sometime, collage girls were sleeping at sidewalks and old men fell at station.
when I see these people, I always think that it is too much safe or too much low security mind.

although foreign people got drunk, they tended to do it at private space like collage apartment or friend's house party.

my interest is how long Japanese society keep these culture...

ever or never?


sometime, I really hate my character.
I tend to say too much thing I do and did as if I were great guy.

instead of love from important person, I might want to get fame from many people??

I just wanna be the person who can say I am sorry. I wanna live more naturally. I might the person who can accept me as I am??

anyway, I wanna live more honestly.

Dear Friends

Dear Friends,

why do we think that our life is bored?
we tend to think the world is too lonely to live. we could not see the world beyond what we face sometime.

however, we can also understand the beauty of humanity. we can be moved and touched with what other does. in the other hand, we can be angry with others. we are social creatures. so we hate and love others.

if I will live long, I want to love our humanity as much as I can. Hating anyone doed not make the value in my life.



I joined new action for better world.

Hi there, I must share following URL.

yes, I joined "Don`t Drop The Ball on Aid".
Aid is so importance for people suffering from Poverty and Climate Change.
but Rich Countries seems to reduce the amount of aid.
so it is the way to show my though to support aid!!


Can Country Ownership Work?-Field Perspectives on Health Systems Strengthening-

this is just for your information!!

Can Country Ownership Work?

Field Perspectives on Health Systems Strengthening

Hosted by Dr. Jonathan Quick, President and CEO, Management Sciences for Health

and Paul O’Brien, Vice President for Policy & Campaigns, Oxfam America

Monday June 14, 2:00-4:00pm

Governor’s Room

Global Health Council Conference

Omni Shoreham Hotel

2500 Calvert Street NW

Metro: Red line to Woodley Park stop


  • Amie Batson, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Global Health and USAID Deputy for the Global Health Initiative (invited)
  • Dr. Francisco Songane, former Minister of Health, Mozambique, and former director of the WHO’s Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
  • Dr. Sin Somuny, executive director of MEDICAM, a health umbrella network with 120+ NGO members in Cambodia, and sub-committee co-chair of the Global Fund’s Country Coordinating Mechanism for Cambodia

Have doubts about country ownership? Want to hear more about how it works in practice? Right now, President Obama’s Global Health Initiative, The Global Fund, and the International Health Partnership are all seeking to increase country ownership of donor health funds. Civil society and health ministries in developing countries have experience with a range of donor approaches: from disease-specific initiatives to health system strengthening to direct budget support. Come hear first-hand perspectives on country ownership from government and civil society health providers. Tough questions welcomed.


Learning Together Understanding Forever IVG/AIESEC Workshops

there is quite good opportunities to understand global issue in English.
you must check it out!!

Learning Together Understanding Forever IVG/AIESEC Workshops

"Learning Together Understanding Forever"

Oxfam Japan IVG has teamed up with our friends at AIESEC to provide three Saturday special awareness workshops to be held at Waseda University during the months of June & July.

These workshops are for you. They will not only give you an opportunity to learn and understand about the world we live in today, but will provide plenty of opportunities to discuss and give your opinions on topics which are not talked about on the streets of Tokyo, amongst friends in a bar, or at home around the dinner table.

Saturday 5th June, 2-4pm - HIV, AIDS and Lives: World Stories and You
Saturday 19th June, 2-4pm - Education and the Developing World
Saturday 10th July, 2-4pm - Negotiating the Divide: NGOs & Development in the 21st Century

This is something new for us at the IVG and we are very excited about it. Hope to see you there!


Learning Together Understanding Forever: IVG/AIESEC Workshops Part 1

Topic: "HIV, AIDS and Lives: World Stories and You"

We hear about HIV & AIDS on the news but we do we really know the difference between them both?
What about the people whose lives have been affected by this potentially lethal infection?
What about their families?

In this workshop we will concentrate on real people with real lives.
Yes, the worst affected areas in the world are in poverty-stricken nations.
But we will also concentrate on our own doorstep.
Here in Japan maybe we can’t see it, but figures show HIV & AIDS are here and given any chance it is willing to spread.

Want to find out more? Come and join us with our AIESEC friends at Waseda University for a lively discussion on a hushed topic which few people know or talk about.

Date: Saturday, 5th June
Time: 2 - 4 pm
Maximum number of participants: 20 participants (+ 30 AIESEC members)
Participation fee: 500 yen
Location: Waseda University (Building 7, Room 204)
Nearest station: Waseda Metro Station, Tozai Line
Reservations: Email oxfamjp.ivg.awareness@gmail.com
Instructors: Joe & Jamie

This workshop has a maximum of 20 participants. If you are unable to come, please email in advance to cancel your reservation. Thank you for your cooperation!

Learning Together Understanding Forever: IVG/AIESEC Workshops Part 2

Topic: "Education and the Developing World"

Studies often cite long term earning differences between high school and university graduates...but what about those who don't get a chance to go to school at all? In this workshop we will discuss how big an impact education can have on a person as well as the myriad of issues that currently prevent affordable education being available to all people around the globe.

Date: Saturday, 19th June
Time: 2 - 4 pm
Maximum number of participants: 20 participants (+ 30 AIESEC members)
Participation fee: 500 yen
Location: Waseda University, Takadanobaba (Building 7, Room 204)
Nearest station: Waseda Metro Station, Tozai Line
Reservations: Email oxfamjp.ivg.awareness@gmail.com
Instructors: Woo & Fiona

This workshop has a maximum of 20 participants. If you are unable to come, please email in advance to cancel your reservation. Thank you for your cooperation!

Learning Together Understanding Forever: IVG/AIESEC Workshops Part 3

Topic: "Negotiating the Divide: NGOs & Development in the 21st Century"

NGOs are playing an increasingly complex role in the changing world around us. How do NGOs operate? What challenges do they face in the modern context? Most importantly, how can they challenge themselves to improve?
Come join us as we explore these thought provoking questions!

Date: Saturday, 10th July
Time: 2 - 4 pm
Maximum number of participants: 20 participants (+ 30 AIESEC members)
Participation fee: 500 yen
Location: Waseda University (Building 7, Room 204)
Nearest station: Waseda Metro Station, Tozai Line
Reservations: Email oxfamjp.ivg.awareness@gmail.com
Instructors: Jessica & Dalynna

This workshop has a maximum of 20 participants. If you are unable to come, please email in advance to cancel your reservation. Thank you for your cooperation!



Today, I joined telephone conference.
but I did not understand mainly.
ummm, I am so disappointed at myself....


Aid is good or not?

there is no perfect thing.
so we need the role of checking it.

3 facts about aid and development http://www.oxfam.org/en/campaigns/health-education/3-facts-about-aid

in 1 minute, 1 woman dies for decease related with pregnant or childbirth.
and another in 1 minute, 20 children dies.
we should stop it and make this world better and better.

we just need our will to do.